Embarking on a new journey in Indian Film Contemporary Music, we extend a warm invitation to aspiring singers to join our group and undergo comprehensive training. Whether it’s singing karaoke or aspiring to be part of musical bands, we provide technical instruction tailored to the nuances of Indian Film Contemporary Music.

At Manollasini Studios, we champion the voice as the primary live instrument, nurturing its excellence both with and without accompaniment. Our focus lies in refining singers’ vocal prowess, exploring various facets such as mood, emotion, pitch selection, diction, musicality, tonal control, breathing intervals, rhythm progression, clarity in vocal range, memorization, and posture.

Our training encompasses techniques intrinsic to Indian singing styles, encompassing raga-based melodies and intricate ornamentation. Our diverse song repertoire spans Hindi, Pop, Telugu, and Tamil genres, meticulously curated to cater to diverse tastes and vocal abilities, accentuating each singer’s strengths.

In addition to technical training, we invite singers to join our singing group, “Raga Ragini Vaditra,” where they are trained to be part of the ensemble. Progressing singers have the opportunity to perform alongside live accompanists welcoming them to our production house.

Driven by a passion for music, we are dedicated to fostering a strong team of singers, irrespective of their singing background. We believe in the power of the voice to carry melody and rhythm, resonating with the music within, even in the absence of instrumental accompaniment.

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